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Artwork – The Burden
The Burden
Taking a break from the long term tarot project, I drew a picture for our times. . .

Artwork: Death
The first of a pilot project to illustrate a Tarot deck entitled ‘Land of Giants’. The story is about all the small magical folk that live within the crumbling walls of an abandoned English manor house. Death is one of the 22 major arcana cards and has a meaning of transformation. This mysterious creature (death) is turning old diaries (finished lives) into works of art.

Artwork – The World
The first of a pilot project to illustrate a Tarot deck entitled ‘Land of Giants’. The story is about all the small magical folk that live within the crumbling walls of an abandoned English manor house. The World is one of the 22 major arcana cards and has a meaning of completeness and revelation (amongst other things).
The residents of this forgotten manor house have at last found the missing piece of the jigsaw they’ve waited months to finish: The World. The four elements, Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius make guest appearances in this piece.

Artwork: The Empress
The first of a pilot project to illustrate a Tarot deck entitled ‘Land of Giants’. The story is about all the small magical folk that live within the crumbling walls of an abandoned English manor house. The Empress is one of the 22 major arcana cards and has a meaning of bounty and beauty (amongst other things).
I imagined she’s sitting in the gardens, admiring the fruits brought to her for blessing by a succession of magical folk. As The Empress card embodies the feminine and fertility I played the wedding card a bit, adding a horseshoe and (if you can’t tell) her dress is an old stocking. Overall, the card needed a very positive feel and I hope I’ve captured that.

Artwork: The Star
The first of a pilot project to illustrate a Tarot deck entitled ‘Land of Giants’. The story is about all the small magical folk that live within the crumbling walls of an abandoned English manor house. The Star is one of the 22 major arcana cards and has a hopeful meaning. The small fairy-like creature is helping trapped ladybirds to escape through a hole in the window – ‘the star’.